JWC Gets A Head Start On Greener Approaches To Waste Treatment
Managers of wastewater facilities are discovering the benefits of receiving used grease and other high-strength organic wastes. As more and more utilities move toward greener approaches for waste disposal, JWC Environmental made sure to stay one step ahead of the curve.
JWC proudly announces the development of the Heavy Object Trap, model GRS, for grease receiving and screening. The system provides invaluable contributions to the ease, cleanliness, and overall functionality of a grease receiving system.
Many facilities are discovering mixing fats, oil, and grease with wastewater sludge increases the production of digester biogas. The biogas is then used to power turbines and generate electricity. The energy can serve the facility and be sold to others.
The Heavy Object Trap, also known as the HOT, features a variable bar screen with spacings of ½” or 1″ ( 12mm to 25mm) to capture and direct heavy objects such as rocks, silverware and trash into the debris basket. The largest basket can hold up to 2.2 ft3 (0.06 m3) of material. The unique bar screen design and hot water washdown system* prevents screen blinding and allows high flow rates of grease.
“Waste to energy will continue to grow and the grease receiving trap is just the start to many products JWC feels will enhance or improve the customer’s process” said Rob Sabol, Director of Research & Development for JWC. “While the design is simple, the grease receiving trap effectively screens out unwanted solids from the process and allows for simple disposal.”
Grease trucks arrive at the treatment plant, swipe their access card at the optional MonsterTrack controller and connect to the inlet pipe on the HOT. As grease is unloaded trash and debris are screened out.
The debris basket is easy for truck drivers or plant operators to empty at the end of the day. To empty, operators simply lift the top, pull the basket out and dump it into a trash can.
The HOT comes in six different sizes to fit your needs. It has a maximum flow rate of 600 GPM (35 l/s) with an operating pressure of 15 psi (1 bar) and is available with 4″ or 6″ (100 or 150mm) pipelines. It also features a Muffin Monster grinder with a 5 HP (3.7 kW) motor. This heavy-duty shredder eases through the toughest solids at a higher rate than macerators and ensures smooth, reliable grinding no matter what the debris.
Additional options include JWC’s automated MonsterTrack™ billing controller which stores data about each hauler and the load and prints a receipt for each driver.
Multiple piping configurations are available to suit your location. Contact the factory for more information.
Although originally designed as a Grease Receiving System, the HOT can also be applied to small-scale septage receiving applications.
*Hot water system provided by others.