Florida Marina Features Monster Fish Cleaning Station
Marina’s New Stainless Steel Fish Cleaning Station with Muffin Monster Grinder
When the operators of Snake Creek Marina were looking for a new stainless steel fish cleaning station they came calling to JWC Environmental. We’re proud to say they now have one of our powerful and reliable Monster grinders working at their marina in Florida. The Snake Creek Marina is located on Islamorada in the Florida Keys. Its prime location on the ocean side of the Overseas Highway in the center of the island give anglers easy access to the Atlantic Ocean deep sea fishing as well as the the Florida Bay back country fishing grounds.
According to the folks at the marina:
For the anglers, a new Muffin Monster® stainless steel fish cleaning station is available to prepare your catch when you return from your favorite fishing grounds. The stainless steel unit features two 3′ fresh water spray wands, self-draining polyethylene cutting boards and a 5 HP dual-shafted grinder that drains directly to our sewer.
Learn more about the Monster Fish Cleaning Station…