New Pre-Built Muffin Monster Manhole Helps Unclog Sewer Lines
Muffin Monster Manholes – Fiberglass Manholes with Sewage Grinder included
The new pre-built Muffin Monster® Manhole from JWC Environmental is a sewer system solution for cities, nursing homes, hospitals, condos, jails, colleges and other institutions facing a stubborn problem – rags, disposable wipes, trash, flushables and debris clogging sewer lines and pump stations. Our fiberglass manholes with sewage grinder included can be quickly installed to fix your sewer issues!
Muffin Monster Manhole, nicknamed the M3, includes everything in one ready to install package: a pre-built fiberglass reinforced polyester (FRP) manhole; a Muffin Monster grinder; guide rails; access ladder; inlet and outlet pipeline connections and a manhole or hatch-type access lid. The low-speed, high-torque grinding turns troublesome solids into small particles that easily pass through sewer lines and pumps. The legendary Muffin Monster grinder is installed in over 25,000 locations world-wide.
“Customers call us every day asking for help to protect sewer pumps from flushable wipes,” said Gary Smith, Grinder Team Manager for JWCE. “With the M3 we offer a complete package that is easy to purchase, easy to install and easy to use. The customer simply digs down to the sewer line, drops in the M3 and covers it back up. That’s it – you’re grinding sewage.”
JWCE representatives and inside technical sales staff are trained and experienced in advising, designing and building in-line or in-channel sewage grinders for unique and challenging locations. Muffin Monster grinders can be installed almost anywhere – and they have been. Simply ask your local JWCE rep to tour the location and we’ll do the rest.
The Muffin Monster includes many of JWCE’s exclusive features: an immersible motor; automated controller; sharp steel cutters with 60+ Rockwell hardness and the industry’s best service plan – the JWCE grinder exchange program. The only maintenance on the M3 is a semi-annual inspection.
The M3 are fiberglass manholes which hold a Muffin Monster model 30005-0012 grinder and handles flow up to 350,000 gallons per day (110 m3/h). The M3 is bolted to a concrete pad installed by the end user. The 4’ (1.2m) circular manhole can be built for a depth specified by the customer up to 30’ (9m). The inlet and outlet pipeline sizes are made to fit the sewer line. The customer may choose either a hinged lockable lid or a conical top for installation in roadways. The M3 is rated for loads exceeding H-20 requirements.
The FRP material adds incredible strength to the manhole while also making it watertight and corrosion resistant – important features for today’s high strength sewage. JWCE also stands behind both the Muffin Monster and the manhole with the industry’s best warranty coverage.