Monster Drum Thickener

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Monster Drum Thickener

Ensure best-in-class performance with our Monster Drum Thickener. This fully enclosed unit controls odors and prevents excess water during sludge thickening applications. It features easily replaceable woven wire mesh panels, which provide a 98%+ capture rate, a fast-action flocculation system, and a polymer mixing tank. Depending on the amount of solids content in the sludge, the Monster Drum Thickener can handle up to 1,900 lbs/hr of WAS 270 and 2,850 lbs/hr of WAS and primary sludge 405.

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Sidehill Screens

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JWC Environmental's SHS Static Sidehill Screens

Our SHS and SHP sidehill screens are designed for static dewatering applications. The SHS model comes in a range of widths, spanning from 12 to 120 inches, and can manage flow rates as high as 2,000 GPM. The SHP screen is offered in 24, 48, and 72-inch lengths with a capacity to handle flows reaching up to 600 GPM, depending on its specific use.

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Sidehill Screens

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JWC Environmental's SHS Static Sidehill Screens

Our SHS and SHP sidehill screens are designed for static dewatering screen applications. The SHS screen is available in multiple widths, from 12 to 120 inches, and can handle flows up to 2,000 GPM. The SHP static screen is available in multiple lengths, including 24, 48, and 72 inches, and can handle flows up to 600 GPM, depending on the application.

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Vertical Auger Monster

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Vertical Auger Monster

The Vertical Auger Monster® is an all-in-one screening unit for sewage pump stations and an ideal solution for confined spaces. It features our Muffin Monster® grinder, a fine screen, and auger compaction technology to precondition and screen tough solids and dewater them to reduce volume. The panel perforations are available in 2, 3, or 6 mm sizes based on application requirements. Depending on the model, the Vertical Auger Monster can handle flows as high as 9.4 MGD (1474 m3/hr).

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