Fine Screens


Fine Screens

With superior solids separation capabilities, our wastewater filtration options are unmatched! Our selection of externally and internally fed rotary and drum screens allow for maximum filtration. We also offer a series of drainage and non-drainage conveyors for simple and economical dewatering and solids separation.

We believe that fine screens should be built tough, reliable and lead the way in industry performance. Regardless of what system you choose, these fine screens are perfectly designed to remove solids from all wastewater, as well as wash and compact solids. JWC’s extensive line of fine screens for industrial facilities provides maximum liquids and solid separation. Allow our solutions to exceed your application requirements.

IPEC Finescreens

Product List

Externally Fed Rotary Drum Screens

Externally Fed Rotary Drum Screens

Our self-cleaning wedge wire screen is an ideal option for scum applications or any industrial wastewater processes burdened with...
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Internally Fed Rotary Drum Screens

Internally Fed Rotary Drum Screens

JWC Environmental offers three IPEC internally fed drum screens for solids recovery from industrial wastewater applications. All models are...
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JWC Environmental's SHS Static Sidehill Screens

Sidehill Screens

Our SHS and SHP sidehill screens are designed for static dewatering applications. The SHS model comes in a range...
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IPEC Applications

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