The Zero Waste Monster is a self-contained, hopper-fed liquid depackaging system designed to separate liquids, gels, creams and semi-solids from their plastic, glass or metal containers. It can be used as a depackaging system and also as a food recycling machine. The industrial shredder and separator turn large quantities of waste into a clean and compacted recyclable commodity. This patented system will give you the peace of mind associated with onsite product destruction and product depackaging, while saving you money in waste hauling and landfill fees. Food waste from the system can be used for composting or turned into biogas. The clean, compacted solids from this food recycling machine can now be easily recycled!
The Zero Waste Monster liquid depackaging system utilizes a four-step process for product destruction and material recycling. The hopper-fed system utilizes a Monster Industrial shredder to break open packaged wet food, fluids and creams to separate out the liquid contents from the packaging. The packaging materials are washed and compacted in an auger system are then discharged from the Zero Waste Monster. The cleaned metal or plastic is ready for recycling while the liquid waste is washed out and captured so it can be sent to a biodigester or be used for composting.
Find out more today about how JWC can fulfill your grinding, screening, shredding or processing needs.