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Disposal and Conveyance of Dewatered Sludge

The PLB and PLT dewatering auger conveyor systems work as a screenings press to capture materials from municipal wastewater screens. Wet debris waste is dewatered and compacted while it’s being conveyed to a discharge point.

Both the PLB and PLT units are mounted at an upward angle to allow filtrate and wash water to flow away. The units can be lengthened with a transport section as needed to convey the material to the desired point as determined by the installation.


  • Produce cleaner screenings by removing fecal or other soft waste from screened debris
  • Reduce volume of waste through compaction
  • Transport solids to desired location without additional belt or screw conveyors


  • Screening cylinder with wash area to dewater and flush screening clean
  • Compaction zone or pressure gate to form a solid plug
  • Auger transport sections designed as required
  • Optional continuous waste bagging units for encapsulating discharged and dewatered screening

The PLB Push-type Screw Conveyor Press

The PLB screw conveyor consists of a spiral, mechanical gear drive, U-trough housing, screen sections, cleaning shower, and a mechanical tensioning device. The PLB utilizes a shaftless spiral to transport and compact solids. The driving force is “push-style” with a gearbox mounted on the lower end.

Solids are first fed into a receiving hopper in the screening press at the lower end of the PLB. The auger spiral draws solids along a trough section into a screening cylinder for the extraction of water. An active shower in the compaction zone screen washes the solids that pass through the screening cylinder. Finally, a spring-tensioned gate on the end of the housing provides the backpressure to create a plug of compacted solids which is dropped into a bin.

The PLT Pull-type Screw Conveyor Press

The PLT dewatering auger conveyor incorporates a design and components similar to the PLB. The primary differences in the screening press are that the gearbox and motor are mounted at the top or exit end of the system to create a “pull-style” force, and the solids plug deposits down without the use of a tension gate on the end.


  • PLB standard units in 6, 9 and 12-inch (152, 229 and 304 mm) diameters
  • PLB capacities from .75 to 5 yd³/hr (0.6 – 3.8 m³/hr) of wet solids
  • PLT units from 8 to 16 inches (203 to 406 mm) in diameter
  • PLT capacities from 2 to 12 yd³/hr (1.5 – 9.2 m³/hr) of wet solids