The fiberglass Muffin Monster Manhole is designed to seamlessly integrate with a wide range of Muffin Monster grinders and accepts 10K, 30K, 40K and CMD open channel grinder options capable of processing flows up to 2060 GPM. A low build solution, the manhole is delivered to site complete, ready to be lowered down into its hole and onto a pre-prepared concrete plinth. The package includes cable access point, OSHA approved ladder and prefabricated channel, including grinder frame and adaptor plate for ease of grinder installation. The grinder can then be lowered down the guiderails, which are optional up to 8 feet deep, and into the channel frame which is supplied as standard. Tie in the sewer lines and add power and that’s it, you are grinding sewage and protecting pumps! Perfect for prisons, hospitals and nursing homes that need to grind up rags and trash in sewage before it enters a municipal wastewater system. It’s designed to fit almost anywhere and provide complete sewer pump protection.
The Muffin Monster Manhole is customizable to fit your site requirements. It is possible to specify the exact depth required, the inlet and outlet pipe diameters and whether you need an above-ground hatch or one able to handle vehicle traffic.
As well as the choice of grinder, there is an optional integral bypass weir designed to minimize any upstream surcharging should flows exceed the grinder capacity or during a power outage. Manholes with 10K, 30K and 40K grinder options offer a grit trap in front of the grinder to reduce cutter wear.
All of the grinder solutions can use revolutionary Wipes Ready® cutters, which are specifically designed to shred rags, wipes, diapers and other disposable items that commonly clog sewage pumps. Monster Stack™ customizable cutter configurations are also available for 30K and CMD grinder options to handle heavy solids loading.
Find out more today about how JWC can fulfill your grinding, screening, shredding or processing needs.