Channel Monster Cuts Maintenance Costs and Protects Pumps in Santa Ana

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Channel Monster Cuts Maintenance Costs and Protects Pumps in Santa Ana

Clogging Gone When Sewage Grinder Pumps up the Protection

Case Study: Channel Monster Sewage Grinder Pumps up Protection in Santa Ana

The Channel Monster, custom fitted for Santa Ana manhole, slides down a guide rail for an easy access sewage grinder.

Pumps clogging with debris caused the City of Santa Ana to call for a Channel Monster sewage grinder.   Contributing to the unbudgeted expense in maintenance, operators were having to break open pump fittings to reach the problem area, and pull the rag balls out, every time there was a back up in their system.

“We had to find a solution,” said Nabil Saba, P.E., Acting Water Manager for the City. “Every time the pumps would clog we had to go in there.  It’s a confined space so, not easy.  Every time we had to open the pumps and break the seals.  And every time the workers are exposed to raw sewage.”

Read more about cutting maintenance costs and protecting pumps with this Monster sewage grinder.