Showing 13 Results.
Reset FiltersThe Monster Manhole is a pre-fabricated sewer manhole with a sewage grinder that is fully assembled and ready to install.
ViewLearn about the Channel Monster FLEX, the latest Monster advancement in high-flow sewage grinders from JWC.
ViewFor facility management, we offer two distinct waste grinding services – waste shredding and sewage grinding.
ViewFor medical facilities we offer two distinct waste grinding services – medial waste shredding and sewage grinding.
ViewOur SHRED grinders range from small, compact units up to mammoth waste shredders that quickly cut problem solids down to size.
ViewThe Auger Monster® is a robust and affordable wastewater screen which combines three of JWC’s finest technologies.
ViewJWCE introduces the new Vertical Auger Monster designed to attach to the wall of a pump station, screen out rags and disposable wipes and protect pumps from ragging and clogging.
ViewFor pump stations and headworks the third generation Channel Monster (R) XD surpasses all existing technologies in terms of performance, durability and reduced costs.
ViewThe Auger Monster® is a robust and affordable wastewater screen which combines three of JWC’s finest technologies.
ViewFind out more today about how JWC can fulfill your grinding, screening, shredding or processing needs.
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