Showing 273 Results.
7-SHRED – Input motor options up to 100 hp with the combination of gear reducers can deliver 20-60 rpm of optimal torque.
ViewCheck out our Monster Industrial solutions on product destruction applications here.
ViewLooking for food processing equipment? Our Shredders can handle a wide array of throughputs and any food waste generated from farmer discards to commercial or restaurant waste.
ViewCheck out our Monster Industrial solutions for food waste reduction and learn more about the issue here.
ViewFor grinding items that are in fluid streams, we offer our HYDRO grinders which stop clogging of downstream equipment.
ViewThe Bandscreen Monster® has rotating panels that are positioned parallel to the flow and as wastewater enters the screen it flows left or right through the perforated screening panels.
ViewThis food waste grinder can be used in industrial size kitchens, inline piping of hospitals or even in college cafeterias.
ViewIf you are interested in creating fish waste products, such as fish waste fertilizer or fish waste compost, you are in the right place.
ViewMangled Mangoes Monster Industrial shredders slice through fruits, veggies, seeds, meat and waste in seconds to reduce organic waste into small particles.
ViewOur SHRED grinders range from small, compact units up to mammoth waste shredders that quickly cut problem solids down to size.
ViewFor medical facilities we offer two distinct waste grinding services – medial waste shredding and sewage grinding.
ViewThese ultra-rugged dual-shafted waste grinders are used in a wide range of industries including petroleum, wastewater, agriculture, food processing, manufacturing, ship food waste, e-waste destruction and more. Request a Quote Today!
ViewOur SHRED grinders range from small, compact units up to mammoth waste shredders that quickly cut problem solids down to size.
ViewSHRED grinders offer plenty of cutting power and need only a 3-10 HP motor to get the job done.
ViewOur Monster Industrial SHRED Waste Grinders come equipt with hardened steel cutters.
ViewOur SHRED Grinders have built in Cutter Cleanout Combs to help process difficult and stringy solid waste all the while deflecting solids into the cutting chamber. Request a Quote!
ViewSHRED grinders offer plenty of cutting power and need only a 3-10 HP motor to get the job done.
ViewOur SHRED grinders range from small, compact units up to mammoth waste shredders that quickly cut problem solids down to size.
ViewFind out more today about how JWC can fulfill your grinding, screening, shredding or processing needs.
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